Tomorrow I have my AP Biology test. That's going to be fun...wish me luck. So many darn names to remember with cristae, and thylakoids, grana, stroma, microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate fibers, desmosomes, what the smooth ER produces vs the rough ER. Plus what protein makes up each, such as microtubules are made up of tubulin, microfilaments are made up of actin, and intermediate fibers are made up of keratins. I plan on rereading my notes and rereading our labs.
I have duty Friday night, that's at least one thing I can look forward to it and it lasts until Saturday. Maybe there will be some action. Last Friday's game was absolutely miserable, even beyond miserable. Our team was winning until the end of the third quarter. Add to that, it was raining, and when it wasn't raining, it was just misting. Everything was wet, there wasn't a whole dry spot in the entire area, even in the inside of the ambulance was wet from us entering and exiting it. I'm glad that I don't have to do that again.
In other news:
Avian flu vaccine against H5N1 strain to be tested on humans next year after promising tests on birds, Vietnam
"After carrying out successful bird flu vaccine tests on birds, Vietnam will probably carry out tests on humans next year. The vaccine protects against the H5N1 strain of bird flu, the most virulent one. Tests started in April, 2005. Results have been successful on monkeys as well. The vaccine has been developed by Vietnam's National Institute for Hygiene and Epidemiology. It is applying to authorities for trials on humans. It is also seeking approval for the production of vaccines."
Ibutilide Appears Safe, Effective for Treatment of Atrial Flutter or Fibrillation in a Pediatric Setting: Presented at AAP
"WASHINGTON, DC -- October 12, 2005 -- Ibutilide, an intravenous agent approved to treat atrial fibrillation and flutter, appears safe and effective in a pediatric setting, according to a study of 19 patients who received a total of 53 doses of the drug.Though the research team used a more stringent definition of treatment success than that used in the initial clinical trials of the drug and required patients to convert to normal rhythm within 45 minutes, the study showed success rates close to or better than those seen in the drug's registration trials."
Atrial flutter is a pretty easily recognized rhythm, on an EKG it shows up with its classic saw-tooth pattern. Atrial fibrillation is also pretty easily recognized, just kind of hard to describe; it looks like a lot of artifact if you know what that is.
I'm out, stay safe everyone,
Good luck on the AP Bio test!! You sure know a lot more than I do about bio :).
Real World Observer, at
4:30 PM
don't you love AP Bio? I'm taking it too and it's the best class I've ever taken.
Anonymous, at
9:27 PM
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