Personal Statement and My Feelings About Medicine
Just got off duty. Not really tired though. I don't know how people can get tired doing this job (medicine). There's no greater job in the world; I'm convinced of that. How many other jobs can you say that you honestly made a difference in somebody's life everyday? I don't like calling EMS a job either. For me, it's a passion. Any healthcare job for me would be called my passion.
There's one thing that I like to do and seems to get my patients to open up to me more than they do for most people. I can look at their background (either by what the nursing home has on their papers or by looking at pictures around the house) and talk about their interests.
An example is seeing the picture of a pilot on a nightstand and asking the patient if they were in the Air Force. I've done this with a patient before. He looked like he was in so much pain and suffering and then I ask him about his interests and hobbies (after obtaining the information for the important medical examination of course). He just glanced away and then looked back at me like what I had just asked registered with him. He honeslty knew I cared, and for a couple of minutes, I could see that all the suffering and illnesses just vanished.
That's the point of my post tonight. Time for me to go to sleep now, goodnight.
I don't know of any EMS agency in the country or in the world that does 56 hours straight. It's very bad for patient care.
bravomedic, at
10:46 AM
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